Vzbot330: The end of an era

We went really fast

Vzbot was great. It really was. Speeds and feeds were off the charts compared to my Switchwire, or even a fiend's Trident. This machine has been as much of a learning experience as Switchwire was, even though it wasn't my first printer. I built it to …

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Vzbot330 Part 1

Time to go really fast

I spent quite a bit of time designing modifications for Vorons, and couldn't really agree with their limits and bad design choices. That lead me to looking for a better base printer design. I stumbled onto Annex and Vzbot series printers, and for cost reasons …

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CAD update for speedy boi

Speedy boi update

I've been learning some CAD to start planning. I'm leaving the design to be ready for 48v steppers, so they will be shown, though may take a cuple of iterations to actually include. So far I've got the carbon fiber gantry modeled, as well as a backpack …

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Time for a new printer

Time to go fast

While my switchwire has been a lot of pain, and fun, but mostly pain, I'm back at it. There's some things that I love, and hate about the switchwire, and while I intend to still use it, I think it's time to build something that not …

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Building a printer: Day 5

This has been.... A journey...

I have submit for, and gotten, a serial number! I am now the proud owner of VS.288 and yes, the audio quality is bad, but I have no clue how to use Davinci Resolve.

Trials and tribulations

This has been both easier than expected …

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Building a printer: Day 4

It moves!

After much much failure, I have it able to move. The Y belt seems really loose, near impossible to fix, the gantry is a bit stiff, but it's moving. I'm not going easy on this printer, and going for Voron speed right out of the gate the first …

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Building a printer: Day 3

It's getting closer!

This has truly been a learning experience in things that should be obvious, but aren't when you are in the middle of things. Crimping the connectors has been nothing but a pain, so for now, I soldered most of them on the toolhead, which I'm sure I'll …

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Building a printer: Day 2

Slowly but surely

I don't have a lot of time today to work on the printer, but I managed to install the toolhead. It's not really wired, but it's on the X carriage, which is also installed. I also got the drag chains on, display attached, and a few other …

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Building a printer: Day 1

It's finally revealed

It's been a while since I've posted, and I'm sure you wonder what I've been up to. The Prusa Mini has been working overtime, printing every waking hour, failing a lot because ASA is hard to print on a Mini (for me at least), and it's time …

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PolyLite: ASA Red and Black

Hard to print, but rewarding

ASA is not at all like PLA. It's much stronger, resists temperature higher than 50c, and unlike ABS, it's even UV resistant. I wanted to start printing things that were able to be much stronger, and even mechanical. Gears, motor mounts, things near a printer's …

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