ZSH: The better shell

Your shell is bad, but doesn't have to be

I get a lot of questions on why I use a shell as opposed to a GUI for things. A shell is often annoying to do some basic things even if it's much more powerful and generally a tradeoff. Deleting all …

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Why all the distros?

Why does distro even matter

Linux is insane vague in what it is, and just a pile of source code for the most part. It's up to people to put the pieces together, and choose what's included or not. There is no perfection in life for all use cases, or …

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PMM (Package Manager Manager)


PMM came about from a simple frustration. "Why is there so much cruft installed that I just don't care about in my system?!" This is pretty simple to solve one would think. Just list all packages with something like pacman -Qqe, go through them all one by one, and …

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