Building a printer: Day 1
It's finally revealed
It's been a while since I've posted, and I'm sure you wonder what I've been up to. The Prusa Mini has been working overtime, printing every waking hour, failing a lot because ASA is hard to print on a Mini (for me at least), and it's time to reveal what it's all been about. Without further ado...
I'm building a Voron
Day 1 summary
With some images to spoil a bit, I've been hard at work for a while on this. Printing and starting to build my Voron Switchwire. I've started with a Formbot kit, but I'm sure I'll replace a lot of things. Been going through the generally good manual, building, screwing things up many times, and ordering parts that weren't included. Was missing the Keyback, PTFE tube, and a few other small things, but it's getting built. So far, I have the frame, and Y axis mostly built somewhat connectly I think, skipping some things I'll have to go back to due to missing parts. I've never built a printer before, and the only electronics knowledge I really have is keyboards. Luckily, I at least ran Klipper on my prusa mini most of the time, so hopefully tuning that won't be as hard as it could have been. This post is a short one, but hopefully it helps explain why I've been so busy. This is what it looks like at the end of day 1.