Building a printer: Day 5

This has been.... A journey...

I have submit for, and gotten, a serial number! I am now the proud owner of VS.288 and yes, the audio quality is bad, but I have no clue how to use Davinci Resolve.

Trials and tribulations

This has been both easier than expected …

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Back from Vacation

I'm not dead

It's been a while since my last update. Life has been busy. Friends visiting from across the world, constant work on the Voron Switchwire, and the usual life things all keeping me busy. Content has been a bit light, but I have a backlog of things to …

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Building a printer: Day 4

It moves!

After much much failure, I have it able to move. The Y belt seems really loose, near impossible to fix, the gantry is a bit stiff, but it's moving. I'm not going easy on this printer, and going for Voron speed right out of the gate the first …

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Building a printer: Day 3

It's getting closer!

This has truly been a learning experience in things that should be obvious, but aren't when you are in the middle of things. Crimping the connectors has been nothing but a pain, so for now, I soldered most of them on the toolhead, which I'm sure I'll …

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Building a printer: Day 2

Slowly but surely

I don't have a lot of time today to work on the printer, but I managed to install the toolhead. It's not really wired, but it's on the X carriage, which is also installed. I also got the drag chains on, display attached, and a few other …

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Building a printer: Day 1

It's finally revealed

It's been a while since I've posted, and I'm sure you wonder what I've been up to. The Prusa Mini has been working overtime, printing every waking hour, failing a lot because ASA is hard to print on a Mini (for me at least), and it's time …

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ZSH: The better shell

Your shell is bad, but doesn't have to be

I get a lot of questions on why I use a shell as opposed to a GUI for things. A shell is often annoying to do some basic things even if it's much more powerful and generally a tradeoff. Deleting all …

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PolyLite: ASA Red and Black

Hard to print, but rewarding

ASA is not at all like PLA. It's much stronger, resists temperature higher than 50c, and unlike ABS, it's even UV resistant. I wanted to start printing things that were able to be much stronger, and even mechanical. Gears, motor mounts, things near a printer's …

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Prusament Mini: The endless upgrades

How I got here.

I'll be flat out here. Every one of these was done for fun. This printer is amazing out of the box, and while some can help print quality, done were done with the intent of getting better print quality unless otherwise noted.


Prusa Mini Base

I …

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Prusament PETG: Prusa Carmine Red

Really pretty, hard to use

This filament has been the opposite experience of Galaxy Black PLA. Issues after issues getting it to stick, stringing was really bad, and details were lacking. That said, I did get some prints to work after much trial and error, and much of the issue …

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